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The generosity of alumni and friends just like you makes an impact on my experience every day at Carnegie Mellon University. That’s why I hope you’ll join me in making a contribution to the Carnegie Mellon Fund by December 31, 2007.

Your gift can support things such as the financial aid that more than two-thirds of students receive, making it possible for many of us to attend Carnegie Mellon. Your gift can also provide funding for student activities, clubs and intramural sports, which just about every student I know participates in today.

But lastly, I would just like to let you know that every dollar you give, even if it’s only a small amount, truly makes a difference.

I hope you’ll choose to support Carnegie Mellon today. We’re counting on you!

student signature
Andrew Althouse, HS 2008

P.S. – Please make your gift online by December 31, and consider designating it to the Carnegie Mellon Fund so that it can support our most urgent needs.

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