Carnegie Mellon University

Intercultural & Global Learning + Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI)

Why does this add value for students?

image of students conversing about work in a grassy field

As communities have become increasingly diverse and technology has helped to reduce barriers related to time and place, the development of skills to navigate within local, national, and international communities is a top priority for employers. Core competencies related to Intercultural and Global Learning (IGL) + Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) facilitate students’ ability to engage with diverse others across multiple cultural contexts in an open-minded, respectful way that allows them to recognize how culture impacts their own and others’ perspectives and actions and recognize their own agency in advancing equity. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore how cultural contexts influence individual identity development 
  • Consider, examine, and integrate differences between individual positions and the positions of others in multiple cultural contexts.
  • Demonstrate an attitude of inclusion by engaging mindfully across a diversity of lived experiences 
  • Recognize the role that individuals play in advancing equity and identify ways in which they may contribute in these roles

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Resources & Tools

Cultural Intelligence Scale

20-item assessment of multiple domains of intercultural intelligence

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Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale – Short Form, (M-GUDS-S)

15-item assessment of awareness and acceptance of diversity

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Sense of Social Fit Scale

17-item assessment of belonging in academic contexts

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Online Courses: OLI Language Programs

Set of online OLI courses designed to enhance language proficiency

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Contact for help with identifying, implementing, and/or measuring this core competency for your context.