Revised Context Analysis

Revise your Context Analysis Report

Review feedback you have received from:

  • Peers
  • Mentor
  • Instructor
  • Client

Update your report addressing their comments and incorporating their suggestions.

Add a Revision List at the beginning of the revised document

  • As with software versions, give a bullet list itemizing the problems you addressed and the changes you made.
    • E.g. "In the description of the staff, added job titles and a fuller description of their prior experience using social media."
    • E.g. "In the Improve Donor Management task, revised the discussion of how the task will positively impact the organization's mission by allowing for more frequent communication with donors, with fewer mistakes, and requiring less staff time."
  • You do not need to list minor revisions such as correcting spelling mistakes, altering word choices, or making simple clarifications.

Your Revised Context Analysis will be graded primarily on how well you revise your document by addressing the feedback you received.