Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Council

The voice for staff at Carnegie Mellon University

Big photo of Margaret Cox with heart shape on the ground

April 20, 2022

Staff Council Rep Feature: Margaret Cox

Margaret Cox is a Division 11 Representative.

Margaret Cox, Assistant Director, Miller ICA

Staff Council Secretary, Divisional Representative (11), Food Drive Committee, RGAC

 What made you want to get involved with Staff Council? 

I didn’t know what to expect from Staff Council when I joined. But now, I value having this behind-the-scenes perspective and the ability to participate in the “workings” of the university. I also get a lot out of connecting with people across campus and serving our community through campus initiatives and fundraisers. 

 What do you wish more people knew about Staff Council?

I want people to know that their unique voices are needed. We have better conversations when more people come to the table. Diversity matters and it matters even more so when decisions are made that affect jobs, benefits, life/work balance, and community. If you are elected to Staff Council, you become involved in dialogue and policy-making that can effect change and create a better experience for our CMU community. Also, all General Body Meetings are free and open to all staff members. Come check it out!