Carnegie Mellon University


April 17, 2020

Join the new ZIG - The Lilacs Book Club

Rolling around a couple of blocks for fresh air, I stopped to smell the lilacs near St. Paul’s and to think about Walt Whitman's homage to Abraham Lincoln, “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d”. Earlier, an Osher friend and I had spent ten minutes talking about Hilary Mantel’s The Mirror and the Light, which we both gave an A grade. We are good for another 50 minutes on that fine conclusion to a fascinating story. Many of you have some thoughts about books to share with us. Please plan to join me and about a dozen others in an hour’s discussion on Tuesday morning(April 21) at 9 o’clock every other week. I will pick out the first successor and then begin on your suggestions for worthy entertainment and instruction. The smell of lilacs will fade while the talk about good books will persist through these boring days.